MiBoLife IPL

Sat. Apr. 15
Pre Show: 12pm - 2pm
Finals: 3:30pm - 5:30pm

MiBoLife IPL

MiBoLife Publishing (MP) is a digital publishing company, launched February 2013. MP celebrates health, fitness, and art through books, magazines and hosting Physique Competitions.

MiBoLife Publishing is the leader in publicity, news, and media for drug-tested Athletes & Physique Competition.


The International Physique League is a competitive fitness federation celebrating top “Natural”/drug-tested physiques from around the Globe! The IPL offers 6 divisions of competition Bodybuilding, Figure, Athletic, Sports Model (some shows), Bikini, & Evening Gown.

The IPL offers 7 Pro Qualifying divisions of competition including Bodybuilding, Figure, Athletic, Sports Model, Fitness Angels, Bikini, & Evening Gown.

The IPL also offers “Exhibition Divisions” which do not have a Professional level. These divisions include Women’s Bikini Mammas, Men’s Beach Body, Inspiration Dedication, & Kids Fitness.


17 & under: $10.40

Adults: $20.80

Day of Event: $30.00

The Stops


Tomorrow at 2:00pm

A Walk in Grimm’s Woods

Coming Soon

Tomorrow at 2:30pm

Dr. Ride’s American Beach House

Coming Soon

Fri, Jan 24th at 7:30pm

National Lampoon’s Animal House

Coming Soon

Thu, Jan 30th at 8:00pm

Film Series: Pink Flamingos

Coming Soon

Fri, Jan 31st at 8:00pm