Psychedelic Variety Show

Past Performances

Fri, Apr 19th - 7:00pm

Psychedelic Variety Show

April 19th in psychedelic circles is known as “Bicycle Day,” named in commemoration of when a Swiss chemist accidentally discovered (and ingested) LSD, leading to a hallucinatory commute home and the world’s first “acid trip” in 1943. The aim of this variety show to be as kaleidoscopic as that fateful day.

The Madison Psychedelic Society is seeking both performers/participants, and audience members/attendees. The event is open to the public and everyone is welcome to come enjoy an evening of raw, real, riveting, rip-roaring stories and acts.

We’re seeking people to come share about their past psychedelic experiences, in whatever storytelling medium feels natural to them. The variety show is open to storytellers, poets, rappers, spoken word artists, songwriters, comedians, humorists, dancers, puppeteers, ventriloquists, clowns, mimes, acrobats, contortionists, poi spinners, hula hoopers, jugglers, and more! However the individual wishes to interpret or express their experience—from the literary to the theatrical, from the power of their voice or movement of their body to the use of props or musical instruments—is up to them!

This variety show is not a competition—there are no judges or awards—it’s just for fun! So the pressure’s off! Amateur performers are welcome – you don’t have to be a pro to be in the show!

If you’re interested in speaking or performing, please email

The Madison Psychedelic Society does not condone or tolerate anyone possessing, using, seeking, soliciting, buying, selling, or trading drugs, narcotics, or controlled substances of any kind at its events.

General Seating. Performed on the Drury Stage. 

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