The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest Poster

Past Performances

Fri, Apr 29th '22 - 7:30pm

Sat, Apr 30th '22 - 7:30pm

Sun, May 1st '22 - 2:00pm

Thu, May 5th '22 - 7:30pm

Fri, May 6th '22 - 7:30pm

Sat, May 7th '22 - 7:30pm

Thu, May 12th '22 - 7:30pm

Fri, May 13th '22 - 7:30pm

Sat, May 14th '22 - 2:00pm

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde
Directed by Scott Albert Bennett
Performed at the Bartell Theatre on the Evjue stage

Oscar Wilde’s “Trivial Comedy for Serious People” takes another turn!

Cecily and Gwendolen are both in love with the same mythical suitor. Jack has wooed Gwendolen as “Earnest”, while Algernon has also posed as “Earnest” to win the heart of Cecily, Jack’s ward. When all four arrive at Jack’s country home on the same weekend, pandemonium breaks loose!

This farcical comedy about mistaken identities, secret engagements, and lovers’ entanglements still has bite, as it lampoons the Victorian upper class and exposes their hypocrisy.

Our production will be cast gender fluid to further expose the rigidity of gender roles and expectations in turn-of-the-century culture… and today. Wilde found great pleasure in making fun of the Victorian upper class, and they enjoyed being made fun of by Wilde… that is, until directly after Earnest premiered and he was exposed as a homosexual. Wilde never apologized for his relationships with men and his ultimate message about being true to ourselves despite what society expects or demands makes The Importance of Being Earnest as relevant today as when it was first presented.

John Worthing, J.P. (Jack) – Sarah Edlund
Algernon Moncrieff – Sarah Hassam
Rev. Canon Chasuble – Colleen Murphy
Merriman/Lane – Eliza Howard
Lady Bracknell – Rebecca Raether
Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax – Jillian Weingart
Cecily Cardew – Nick Kaprelian
Miss Prism – James Rowe

For more details, check out our program!

Gilbert & Sullivan’s Patience

Coming Soon

Fri, Aug 2nd at 7:30pm

Writer’s Block: August 2024

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Thu, Aug 8th at 7:00pm

Motown in the Living Room

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Fri, Aug 16th at 7:30pm

Summer Showcase 2024

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Sat, Sep 7th at 5:00pm


Coming Soon

Fri, Sep 20th at 8:00pm