Diamond Girl

Diamond Girl presented by Save the Rainforest, by Bruce Calhoun, Directed by Jaclyn June Johnson

Thu, Jul 26 - 7:30pm
Fri, Jul 27 - 7:30pm
Sat, Jul 28 - 7:30pm
Sun, Jul 29 - 2:00pm

Diamond Girl

By Bruce Calhoun

Directed by Jaclyn June Johnson

When a lovelorn woman tries on an enchanted necklace, she discovers it attracts every man she meets – except her scholarly stepfather and his grad student who are on a quest to find the lost plays of Euripides.

Cast:  Simone LaPierre, Brenda Heding, Gina Gomez, Joe Lutz, Drew Lehman, Britton Rae, Ethan Richard, Liz Mael, Shannon Hintz, Sarah Zeker and Georgie Vavra.

Proceeds to benefit Save the Rainforest. www.saverfn.org


Diamond Girl will be performed on the Drury Stage.

Run time: approx. 120 minutes

General admission: $20

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